Big Think  

3 predictions for the future of music | Michael Spitzer

We can't even begin to imagine the possibilities awaiting us in the future.” Musicologist Michael Sp ...View More

Do you believe in the "Ocean Theory" of consciousness?

Christof Koch is a prominent neuroscientist and researcher focused on the neural bases of consciousn ...View More

How humanity is preventing itself from colonizing Mars ????

Brian Cox is an esteemed British physicist and professor of particle physics in the School of Physic ...View More

Debunking the 'genius' billionaire myth | Brian Klaas

Why most billionaires aren't geniuses and most geniuses aren't billionaires, explained by political  ...View More

The quote all business owners should memorize | Roger Martin

Roger Martin is a distinguished academic, author, and business strategist widely recognized for his  ...View More

The 4 biggest ideas in philosophy, with legend Daniel Dennett for Big Think+

Forget about essences.” Philosopher Daniel Dennett on how modern-day philosophers should be more col ...View More

Is this the way we should think about crypto? | Tyler Cowen

Tyler Cowen is an American economist, academic, and writer, known for his broad spectrum of interest ...View More

How to date, mate, and find fulfillment | Helen Fisher & more

Let our sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of  ...View More

This one thing sets humans apart from every other species ????

Agustín Fuentes is a prominent anthropologist with a deep interest in the complexities of human and  ...View More

A 7-minute guide to the relationship between quantum mechanics and black holes | Brian Cox

You're not meant to understand what I just said, because I don't understand what I just said…” Physi ...View More

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