National Geographic  

Anand Varma Captures a Honey Bee Story | Photographer | National Geographic

Anand Varma shakes things up in his photography by studying the life of a honey bee and creating a s ...View More

Narco Wars: The One True Queenpin (Full Episode) | National Geographic

In the drug world, most stories revolve around men. But this one is about women. Some caught in the  ...View More

Gelada Monkeys Fight an Intruding Bachelor | Queens | National Geographic

Gelada Monkeys protect their young and fight an intruding bachelor. Check out the full episode of Qu ...View More

You haven’t Cold-plunged until you’ve done it in Iceland ???? #bestoftheworld #evazubeck

Watch the full episode by clicking the related video link! #nationalgeographic.

The Bahamas: It's Like Candy | Photographer | National Geographic

Cristina Mittermeier explains the astounding visuals that the Bahamas has to offer, describing them  ...View More

Photographer Power Couple: Paul Nicklen & Cristina Mittermeier | Photographer | National Geographic

Meet the Photographer Power Couple, Paul Nicklen and Cristina Mittermeier! Their dramatic images of  ...View More

How Killer U-Boats Battled the Royal Navy (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans

Draining the oceans reveals the story of the U-Boats as they took on the Royal Navy, sinking 12 mill ...View More

Braving Waters for the Perfect Bear (Full Episode) | Port Protection Alaska

Curly braves dangerous waters determined to get a spring black bear. Enjoy a free trial of National  ...View More

Acacia Ants Vs. Elephant | A Real Bug's Life | National Geographic

Bet you never thought you'd see an ant twerk! But when you live in the land of giants, you have to g ...View More

Would you try 300 year-old Shark in Iceland? ???? ???? #bestoftheworld

Watch the full episode by clicking the related video link! #nationalgeographic #natgeo.

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