January 14, 2024  

是什么使肌肉增长? - Jeffrey Siegel

      January 14, 2024

人体有超过600 块肌肉。这些肌肉使人成为一个整体,支撑我们并协助我们活动。你需要时刻关注自己的肌肉,因为你每天对待肌肉 ... ...View More

为什么章鱼的大脑这么神奇 - Cláudio L. Guerra

      January 14, 2024

章鱼能够解开谜题,通过观察进行学习,甚至能够像人类那样使用工具。但是,章鱼的智商令人惊奇的是,章鱼的大脑具有与人类 ... ...View More

什麼是海森堡測不準原理? - Chad Orzel

      January 14, 2024

海森堡测不准原理认为,永远无法同时知道物体的确切位置和确切速度。为什么不可能?因为宇宙中每个物体都同时表现得像粒子和 ... ...View More

跑步机黑暗而扭曲的历史 - Conor Heffernan

      January 14, 2024

脚不断叩击地面。有限的空间。千篇一律的毫无进展。在跑步机上跑步当然可能让人觉得像折磨,但你知道它原本就是为了那个目的 ... ...View More

如何理解权力 - Eric Liu

      January 14, 2024

每天,我们都在其他人构建的权力系统内移动和操作。但是,我们通常无法自在地谈论权利。为什么?Eric Liu 描述了权力的六个 ... ...View More

Nick Cannon in Season 1!

[Aired: January 28, 2004] The adorable Nick Cannon makes his first appearance in 2004 by showing off ...View More

Anne Hathaway Talks 'The Devil Wears Prada' and Working with Meryl Streep

[Aired: December 12, 2006] Anne Hathaway joins Ellen to share stories about working with Meryl Stree ...View More

The Legendary Burt Reynolds

[Aired: January 28, 2004] Burt Reynold makes a legendary appearance in Season 1 and tells Ellen how  ...View More

Audience Game: Cosmo or Not

[Aired: January 28, 2004] Ellen plays a game with her audience where they have to guess if these are ...View More

Ellen Feels Like a New Person

[Aired: January 28, 2004] For her birthday Ellen got a life-changing present and shares her joy with ...View More

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