January 16, 2024  

Anton Zeilinger: Nobel Prize Conversations

You have to reinvent yourself every couple of years. It's absolutely important. It's necessary for m ...View More

Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize announcement

Sara Danius, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, announces the recipient of the 2016 Nobel P ...View More

Nobel Prize lecture: Anne L'Huillier, Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

Anne L'Huillier delivered her Nobel Prize lecture "The route to attosecond pulses: Attosecond Pulse  ...View More

John Goodenough receives his Nobel Prize

John Goodenough made crucial contributions to the development of lithium-ion batteries, which are us ...View More

Taking the World Stage (Full Episode) | North Korea: Inside the Mind of a Dictator

This episode sees Kim make the unprecedented step of trying his hand at diplomacy as he attempts to  ...View More

Clan of the North (Full Episode) | Kingdom of the Polar Bears

Dennis searches the Manitoba wilderness for a polar bear den in hopes of capturing the first moments ...View More

Friends Can Become Enemies (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

We meet four Americans who give their all when it comes to preparedness. Real estate developer Larry ...View More

Into the Spider Hole (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

We meet three Americans who are desperately preparing for a great worldwide catastrophe. Californian ...View More

I Suggest We Run (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

Meet three Americans who show us how they prepare for the end of the world, as they know it. ➡ Subsc ...View More

Edge of the Unknown with Jimmy Chin | Official Trailer | National Geographic

For the world's top adventure athletes, the line between triumph and tragedy is razor thin. In the p ...View More

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