January 24, 2024  

Nature’s supercomputer lives on your dog | Ed Yong

Ed Yong explores the hidden features that make dog noses so incredible. Subscribe to Big Think on Yo ...View More

Economist explains the two futures of crypto | Tyler Cowen

Economist Tyler Cowen confirms there are good reasons to be crypto-skeptical. Subscribe to Big Think ...View More

Debunking success myths | Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku & more

You can't predict success. But according to minds like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku & more, you  ...View More

Why geniuses hunt demons for sport | Jimena Canales

Jimena Canales shares the “demons” that shaped computer science. Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube . ...View More

How psychedelics work, explained in under 6 minutes | Matthew Johnson

How psychedelics work, explained by Johns Hopkins professor Matthew Johnson. Subscribe to Big Think  ...View More

The most powerful way to think about money | Paula Pant

Financial expert Paula Pant explains how you can afford anything, but not everything. Subscribe to B ...View More

Does free will violate the laws of physics? | Sean Carroll

Sean Carroll: We might solve free will one day. But here's why I doubt it. Subscribe to Big Think on ...View More

Anthropologist debunks Darwin’s most abused idea | James Suzman

James Suzman lived with a tribe of hunter-gatherers to witness how an ancient culture survives one o ...View More

Harvard professor debunks the ‘10,000 steps per day’ myth | Daniel Lieberman

Did you know treadmills were invented as prison torture machines? Modern exercise is confusing. Harv ...View More

9 tactics to build a stronger mind | Lisa Genova

Stress shrinks your brain. Neuroscientist Lisa Genova explains how to strengthen it. Subscribe to Bi ...View More

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