January 25, 2024  

Ellen DeGeneres Vacuums at The Oscars

Host Ellen DeGeneres vacuums at the 2007 Oscars. #AcademyAwards #Oscars #comedy#YouTubeShorts #Short ...View More

Raja Ampat: The Last Stronghold of Healthy Coral Reefs | National Geographic

Paid content for @Prada. Coral reefs are often described as the rainforests of the seas, and for goo ...View More

Budget 2024 debate presentation by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha.

BUDGET 2024 DEBATE || Presentation by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha.

Budget 2024 debate presentation by PPP/C MP Sanjeev Datadin.

BUDGET 2024 DEBATE || Presentation by PPP/C MP Sanjeev Datadin.

#27 - Presidential Debates Why Bother

Presidential Debates are ridiculous at best. The current format is useless to the American people. I ...View More

Budget 2024 debate presentation by Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Campbell Sukhai.

BUDGET 2024 DEBATE || Presentation by Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Campbell Sukhai.

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