January 28, 2024  

每天10分钟轻松学英语 | 零基础学英语 | 练英语听力和口语 | 第二集 [016-27]

坚持每天10分钟这样练英语听力和口语,学会一口地道英语 _ 订阅以获取洋妞的最新视频! ...View More

Phrasal Verbs Part 2! Let's Learn English! ⏰???????? (Lesson Only)

Welcome to part 2 of my series of English lessons about phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are one of the  ...View More

Phrasal Verbs Part 3! Let's Learn English! ????♻️????️ NOTE: New Time! 7:30AM EST!

Welcome to part 3 of my phrasal verb series. In this English lesson I'll help you learn just over 25 ...View More

Phrasal Verbs Part 3! Let's Learn English! ????♻️????️ (Lesson Only)

Welcome to part 3 of a four part series on phrasal verbs. In this free English lesson I'll help you  ...View More

FREE English Gifts of February 2024

https://bit.ly/48NqwnG Here are your FREE English lessons, PDF cheat sheets and bonuses for February ...View More

I CAN DO THIS - Motivational Speech

I can do this. #motivation #motivational #motivationalspeech #motivationalvideo Embrace life's chall ...View More

GET IT DONE - Motivational Speech

Get it done. #motivation #motivational #motivationalspeech #motivationalvideo Success demands consis ...View More

DISCIPLINE - Motivational Speech

Discipline. #motivation #motivational #motivationalspeech #motivationalvideo Success requires discip ...View More

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