February 04, 2024  

Dopamina digital: La droga del siglo XXI | Duff Fernández de Lara Villalobos | TEDxHumaya

Las redes sociales han transformado de manera irreversible las interacciones humanas. Sin embargo, l ...View More

Ne pas subir ses émotions | Matthieu Langlois | TEDxSkemaParis

Matthieu Langlois, ancien médecin réanimateur du RAID, met en avant l'importance de l'organisation,  ...View More

Relapse Prevention Failed: And How WE Can Solve this Crisis Together | Adam Gunton | TEDxBillings

NOTE FROM TED: This talk contains a graphic video depicting an overdose and discusses suicide and ad ...View More

Love beyond self | Betfusile Mamba | TEDxGwamileStreet

Love Beyond Self is a collection of three poems about love we should aspire to have and give. The fi ...View More

A journey of Education | Anwar Alsharif | TEDxGerman Jordanian University

This narrative unveils a transformative journey in education, as a dedicated teacher in Jordan confr ...View More

Youth, a country's biggest assets. | Dr. Suneeta Mukherjee | TEDxHeritageGirlsSchool

Dr. Suneeta Mukherjee explain how the growing number of youth in a country can be that country's big ...View More

The importance of Endengered languages. | Ms. Zorinzuali Bawlchhim | TEDxHeritageGirlsSchool

In her talk Ms. Zorinzuali discusses how some languages which are at the verge of being forgotten af ...View More

Navigating Waters and Breaking Barriers. | Ms. Aishwarya Boddapati | TEDxHeritageGirlsSchool

In her inspiring talk Ms. Ashwarya shares her journey which started as a little girl who is scared o ...View More

Are you on Social Media? My unknown territory. | Ms. Ishitva Singh | TEDxHeritageGirlsSchool

In a time where social media is considered as an essential part of our existence Ms. Ishitva, a 10th ...View More

What can we do about 'evil AI'? | Staffan Truvé | TEDxGöteborg

AI can be a transformative power for good, but also a tool for bad. Staffan Truvé argues why regulat ...View More

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