February 12, 2024  

Great design goes beyond empathy | Akshara Dash | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan

After recently purchasing her first iPhone, Akshara Dash was delighted to see that Apple's built-in  ...View More

Building queer futures | Rachel Loewen Walker | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan

We stand at a pivotal moment for 2SLGBTQ+ rights in North America, balancing between heightened tens ...View More

Milion w zasięgu ręki | Dorota Sierakowska | TEDxSGH

TEDTalk about financial stability and earning first milion PLN. Dorota is a true star in the investm ...View More

Combatting the Pressure to Conform | Rachel Edio | TEDxWest Park HS

Drawing from her experiences as a second-generation immigrant, this talk focuses on combatting the p ...View More

Marketing ludzko-centryczny, czyli jak budować dobre marki w Polsce. | Michał Lutostański | TEDxSGH

How to create good brands in Poland which will inspire and have positive impact on people. Dr. Micha ...View More

AI. Gdzie kończy się fiction, a zaczyna non-fiction? | Patrycja Górska | TEDxSGH

Talk about AI which shows its duality and explains its complexity when it comes to law matters. Patr ...View More

Jedzenie intuicyjne, czyli o zaufaniu do własnego ciała. | Małgorzata Pielichowska | TEDxSGH

TED Talk about eating in a rational and healthy way. Showing that the way of eating is not a diet bu ...View More

(R)ewolucja | Dawid Myśliwiec | TEDxSGH

Talk about how the revolution is done. The speakers take us through a debate wheather a change is al ...View More

How sudden cardiac arrest changed my life | Grace McCubbin | TEDxDavenport

In a chilling moment during a nationally televised NFL game in January of 2023, the world held its b ...View More

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