February 17, 2024  

Michio Kaku: The laws of physics doom Planet Earth

Humans won't survive if we stay on Earth. Michio Kaku explains. Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube .. ...View More

10,000 years of branding explained in 6 minutes | Debbie Millman

Branding isn't buzz — we've been doing it for thousands of years. Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube  ...View More

5 ways to build an Alzheimer’s-resistant brain | Lisa Genova

Only 2% of Alzheimer's is 100% genetic. The rest is up to your daily habits. Subscribe to Big Think  ...View More

How Russia’s war in Ukraine is birthing a new global order | Ian Bremmer

This is much deeper than just 'let's figure out how we can get both sides to get along.'” Subscribe  ...View More

Harvard professor debunks the biggest exercise myths | Daniel Lieberman

Exercise culture is crazy. But what you need to do is exceedingly simple. Subscribe to Big Think on  ...View More

The Multiverse is real. Just not in the way you think it is. | Sean Carroll

What do physicists actually mean when they talk about the Multiverse? Sean Carroll explains. Subscri ...View More

Is race politics poisoning young minds? Coleman Hughes weighs in

Is race politics poisoning young minds? Coleman Hughes offers his argument. Subscribe to Big Think o ...View More

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