April 25, 2024  

Barbra Streisand Full Interview on ‘Ellen’

The legendary Barbra Streisand sits down with Ellen for a chat, discussing her latest project and gr ...View More

Cameron Diaz, Cotton Candy, a Chocolatey Act of Kindness | Full Episode

[Aired: May 26, 2004] Join Ellen as viewers share their thoughts, a lucky chocolate milk giver gets  ...View More

How Ducks Teach Us the Value of Being Average | Rambhasiri Devakula na Ayudhya | TEDxKasetsartU

"Duck" is a term that many people have heard, and it can have both positive and negative connotation ...View More

Divatbemutató | Terike from Budapest | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomen

A TEDxLibertyBridgeWomen 2024 záró előadása, a Terike divatbemutatója nem mindennapi élményt nyújtot ...View More

What I learned from my diverse interests | Assel Askarova | TEDxYouth@NISShymkent

Assel talks about how her multiple interests enabled her to sharpen her skills and shaped her person ...View More

Till we rise properly | Nipun Kaewruen | TEDxKasetsartU

สิ่งเดิม ๆ ที่ต้องเจอทุก ๆ วันในชีวิตนั้น อาจทำให้คุณรู้สึกเฉื่อยชา ไม่มีแรงผลักดัน จน "ไม่อยากตื่นข ...View More

The future of space tourism | Chompoonek (Chicha) Nimitpornsuko | TEDxBrownU

Chompoonek (Chicha) Nimitpornsuko, an astronomer and an aerospace pretengineer, shares with us the s ...View More

Si può sempre cambiare strada | Chiara Camillieri | TEDxMantova Youth

Con il suo brillante talk/performance, Chiara racconta di come la sua esperienza l'ha portata a capi ...View More

Why local culture matters for global impact | Jonathan Rider | TEDxOxford

What can traditional archery teach us about international development, humanitarian aid and peacebui ...View More

How to make thrifting easier | David Chu | TEDxBrownU

David Chu is a senior at Brown University and co-founder of Sift, a thrift e-commerce startup. He hi ...View More

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